Posted on: March 4th 2024
Maidstone Young Artist Competition
Well done to Caitlin (9CS) who got through to the final stage of a Maidstone Young Artist 2024 competition. The topic was metamorphosis and Caitlin drew a picture of a younger self and her today using colour to symbolise her growth as a person. She titled it 'growth through paint strokes' and used watercolour, pencil and ink. She used pink for the younger self and blue for the older self and combined the pink and blue to become purple splatters. The judges loved her portraits and felt it was a clever idea.
She was selected to be one of 12 in her age category to have her work displayed at the Maidstone Museum from February to June. A winner of the public vote will be announced in June. You have to visit the Museum to vote but it is free to enter.