Highworth offers support and guidance through the whole process of applying to university. Whilst it may seem like a very long way away, it is crucial for you to start researching information on courses you think you may wish to follow, look into upcoming Open Days and most importantly, work hard! All students are given access to Unifrog which enables them to explore their interests to find and successfully apply for their best next step after Highworth.
The Year 12 Post 18 Pathways Evening is usually delivered in Term Six which parents/carers can attend to better understand the process.
In the meantime, here are a few things to consider regarding future choices:
- Do not approach choices too narrowly. Be open to many possibilities;
- A Level subjects are very important but a change in direction is possible;
- Be aware of career possibilities;
- Check course requirements (e.g. Chemistry and Biology for most Medicine courses);
- For some degree courses, most notably Medicine, relevant work experience is essential and should be planned well in advance;
- Dual, Joint Honours and general courses, whilst interesting, can be quite demanding but obviously keep open more doors;
- There does not always have to be a strong correlation between a degree course and career. English graduates can become Bank Managers and Chemists can work in the City;
- Subject teachers can give advice on likely outcome grades to check that offer grades would be realistic;
- Accommodation choices will need some planning and research;
- There is much to gain from a good university course and it merits careful thought. Look at all published sources and don’t be afraid to visit the universities.
Any opportunities that arise will be emailed to students. If you would like any more information please contact Mrs Savage or Mr House.
For more information, please take a look at these free guides below:
Success at Schools: Parents guide to University
Please also click on the link below to see our UCAS Destination Map for 2024.
UCAS Higher Education Destination Map 2024