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Structure of the Governing Body

The Governing Body takes a strategic role by agreeing, monitoring and reviewing school policies, targets and priorities. It consists of: parent governors; staff governors, including the Headteacher; community governors and student governors.

With the full cooperation of Trustees, the Governing Body completed a diversity indicators survey in October 2022.  The Chair of Governors and Clerk have used the results to inform recruitment from the local community that both reflects the Highworth student body, and works to fill the skills gap of the Governing Body.

The Full Governing Body (FGB)

The FGB agrees constitutional matters; recruits new members; holds at least three meetings a year; approves a balanced budget; reviews a number of school policies, including the Health and Safety policy; delegates functions to committees and receives reports to decide if further action is necessary. 

The functions of the Governing Body are delegated to the following committees and groups:

Finance, Buildings and Risk Management Group

The group ensures the sound management of the school's finances and resources. It ensures the building, fabric and grounds of the school are well maintained and implements a process of continual appraisal. The group also fulfils the functions of an audit committee.

Staffing and Management Group

The group monitors all matters related to staffing and management. It ensures that a fair and equitable system is in operation for all staffing matters, such as the annual pay review and any staffing structure consultations. It also establishes and reviews an Appraisal and Performance Development policy for all staff.

Curriculum Development Group

This group monitors and advises on: the provision of the Statutory Curriculum and Religious Education; the school's curriculum offer; the timetable; student performance; and assists the Headteacher in promoting aspects of the broader curriculum such as spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, physical and mental wellbeing and the delivery of effective careers education and advice.

Community Development Group

This group monitors, evaluates and advises on: the extent to which students feel safe, adopt healthy lifestyles and contribute to the school and wider community; the views of students and how these are taken into account; the effectiveness of communications with parents and carers, including the promotion of school events; and wider community links. This group also maintains close contact with the Friends of Highworth.

Student Council

The Head Prefects provide a report from the Student Council meetings to the Community Development Group for discussion and consideration of further action.