Mr D Beer |
Headteacher/German |
Mr J Dodd |
Deputy Headteacher/Maths |
Mrs L Perrian |
Deputy Headteacher/Extended Project |
Miss J Clark |
Assistant Headteacher/Senior DSL/Pastoral Curriculum/Biology |
Mr D House |
Assistant Headteacher/Head of Sixth Form/History |
Mrs J Morton |
Assistant Headteacher/Quality Assurance/Art and Photography |
Miss C Timmins |
Assistant Headteacher/Pastoral Systems/Geography |
Mrs D Albert |
German |
Mr M Allen |
Senior IT Technician |
Ms A Archer |
Sixth Form Manager |
Mrs E Ashdown |
English |
Dr J Askew |
Science |
Mr B Baker |
Student Support Manager: AB |
Mrs N Battle |
Design & Technology |
Mrs H Bax |
Art/D&T/Photography Technician |
Mrs L Baxter |
German |
Mr S Bellamy |
IT Helpdesk Associate |
Mr T Bent |
Cover Supervisor |
Mrs G Booker |
Director of Music |
Mrs S Boulden |
Science Technician |
Mr D Brett |
Deputy Head Mathematics |
Mrs J Bridgland |
Sociology/Geography |
Mrs J Brooks |
SEND Assistant |
Dr M Brown |
Head of Physics |
Mrs S Budnik |
Geography (maternity) |
Mrs G Burns |
Receptionist |
Mrs S Burns |
Finance Officer |
Miss K Cameron |
Mathematics |
Miss L Cassey |
Head of Physical Education (maternity) |
Mr M Clayton |
History |
Ms J Constantinou |
Science/Chemistry |
Mr J Conway |
Senior Teacher/Business Studies |
Dr E Coupe |
Head of Chemistry/Outreach Coordinator |
Mrs D Cox |
Food & Nutrition/D&T |
Miss I Crampton |
Science and Psychology |
Mrs C Cunningham |
Reprographics Clerk |
Miss S Dafforn |
Art & Photography |
Mr G Dale |
Head of Computer Science |
Mrs N Das-Simmons |
English |
Mr N Davies |
Music |
Mr D Dawson |
Head of English |
Mrs E Dodds |
Physical Education |
Mr A Donovan |
Senior Teacher/Head of Science |
Mr R Doubtfire |
ICT Network Manager |
Mr M Duncan |
Head of History and Politics |
Mrs L Elias |
English/Media/English Literacy Coordinator |
Mr B Ellis |
Physics/Science |
Mrs M Fernandez-Perez |
Spanish |
Mr G Ferris |
Director of Learning: EG/Mathematics |
Mrs S Ferris |
Senior Teacher/Director of International Programmes/French |
Mr G Foulkes |
Caretaker |
Mrs S Gerstlauer |
Head of German |
Mrs N Giles |
Student Support Manager: NS |
Mrs M Hamblin |
Student Support Manager: VM |
Mr S Hamill |
Science |
Mrs L Hewett |
Computer Science |
Mrs J Hills |
Director of Learning:KK/Senior Mental Health Lead/Dance |
Mrs L Hogarth |
Art & Photography |
Miss A Hodges |
Careers Lead |
Mrs R Hooper |
PE |
Mr A Hope |
Chemistry/Science - KS3 Science Coordinator |
Mrs S Horvath |
D&T Technician |
Mrs J Houston |
LSA (1:1) |
Miss M Jarrams |
PE |
Mr M Jenkins |
Science Technician |
Dr G Jones |
Science |
Mrs S Judd |
Director of Learning: JP/Acting Head of Physical Education |
Mrs G Keel |
Medical Society Lead/Oxbridge Science |
Mrs J Kemp |
Admissions Officer/Music Administrator |
Mrs E Kinch |
Finance Assistant |
Ms S King |
Head of Art and Photography |
Mrs N Kinrade |
Deputy Head of English |
Mrs P Knuckey |
Director of Learning: AB/Dance/Geography |
Mrs C Kuit |
Governance and Compliance Officer/Clerk to the Governors |
Miss J Leighton |
English |
Mrs J Letts |
Data Administrator |
Mrs E Levett |
Science Technician |
Mr B Mac |
Director of Learning: VM/Psychology/Sociology |
Miss A MacCormack |
Mathematics |
Mrs C Mann |
Exams Administrator |
Mrs J Mansfield |
Student Support Manager: JP |
Ms T Marsh |
Data Manager |
Miss M Mason |
Administrative Officer |
Mrs J McBride |
Director of Dramatic Arts |
Miss F McCartan |
Senior Teacher/Director of Early Professional Development/English |
Mrs C McCarthy |
Senior Teacher/RE |
Mr N McCarthy |
SENDCO/Science/Physics |
Mrs S McCutcheon |
French/Spanish |
Mr S McEvoy |
Economics |
Mr M McGuinness |
Mathematics |
Mr P McLarney |
Director of Learning: CS/RE |
Ms J McNally |
English |
Mr A Milne |
Head of D&T |
Mr E Moore |
Caretaker |
Mr G Moore |
Senior Science Technician |
Mrs J Moseling |
Head of Biology |
Miss F Moyse |
English/Media, KS3 English Coordinator |
Miss V Murphy |
Assistant to the SENDCO |
Mrs R Mussai |
Attendance Officer |
Mr H Nancey |
Head of French |
Mrs G Nevard |
Head of Geography |
Mr W Newland |
Caretaker |
Mrs E Norman |
Sixth Form Study Supervisor |
Mr L Norton |
Physics |
Mr E Nye |
Performing Arts Technician |
Mr G Olaode |
Science |
Mrs E Oram |
SEND Assistant |
Mrs M O'Reilly |
Head of Spanish |
Mr S O'Sullivan |
English |
Mrs A Owen |
Design & Technology |
Mr A Parker |
Geography |
Mr B Parrish |
Music |
Mrs L Patterson |
Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mr M Phillips |
History |
Mr I Pickard |
Head of Mathematics |
Mr J Pierce |
Mathematics |
Mrs C Poore |
Religious Education |
Miss E Pope |
Mathematics/KS3 Coordinator |
Miss E Pope |
Senior Teacher/SMSC, British Values, and PSHE Lead/Head of RE |
Mrs S Power |
Science/Biology |
Miss H Primarolo |
English |
Mrs S Rayment |
HR Manager/PA to the Headteacher |
Mrs R Roden |
Senior Cover Supervisor |
Mr C Rogers |
Facilities Manager |
Mrs H Rumsey |
Lunchtime Supervisor/Tea Person |
Mrs D Samson |
Cover Supervisor |
Ms H Sansom |
Science |
Mrs L Savage |
Higher Education Coordinator |
Mrs S Sharp |
KS3 Science Technician |
Mrs C Shore |
Head of Psychology |
Ms D Slater |
Reprographics Clerk |
Mrs Y Smith |
Student Support Manager:EG |
Dr C Spurgeon |
English/Extended Project |
Mrs C Stafford |
Receptionist |
Mrs P Stedman-Collins |
Student Support Manager: CS |
Mrs S Strand |
Art (Maternity) |
Ms T Strange |
Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mr R Swinney |
Head of PSHE/Religious Education |
Mrs S Tassell |
Student Support Manager: KK |
Mrs J Thomas |
PE (maternity) |
Mrs N Vandepeer |
Lunchtime Supervisor |
Mrs S Wakefield |
English |
Mrs L Wells |
Examinations Officer |
Mr S White |
Director of Learning: NS/History |
Mrs R Wibberley |
Dance/PE/Mathematics |
Mrs S Willmoth |
English |
Ms E Wilson |
Mathematics |
Mrs L Wilson |
Finance Manager |
Miss Y Yilmazarslan |
Deputy Head of Sixth Form/Geography |
Mrs A Young |
Finance Assistant |