Posted on: April 20th 2023
F1 in Schools Team
The team successfully fired the car for the first time on Thursday 20 April and it reached the end of the 20 metre track in an excellent time of 1.417 seconds. With a few very minor adjustments, the team manufactured the final cars to take to the competition.
The final of the F1 in School competition was on Thursday 4 May. It was a very long day with an early start but overall an amazing experience for the students, including spending the day on an RAF base. They were judged on various different components in the morning such as their portfolios, a verbal presentation and team identity. Just after lunch, they had a Chinook experience that allowed them to get up close to an RAF helicopter and then, in the afternoon, they raced their car in the professional class. After the unique car design created a lot of interest through the day, it unfortunately didn't go as quickly as the team had hoped. The day ended with the awards ceremony where they were nominated for the judges’ choice award which was for their overall efforts but sadly just missed out to another team. Well done to everyone for working so hard as a team and developing their design and presentation skills. Thank you to Francesca for keeping us updated on the team’s progress.