Posted on: April 24th 2023
St Hugh's College Kent Coast Run
We were very proud to support our Outreach Officer, Lena Sorochina, from St Hugh’s College at the start of her Kent Coast Run yesterday. During this run, Lena aims to visit as many Kent schools as possible to promote access to Higher Education and give students information about applying to, and studying at, Oxford.
Last time, this was a 140km route which was run over five days. The team visited 13 schools, spoke to 656 pupils, and went through 22 towns and villages. This year’s route is longer and more challenging than the last, with more stops along the way.
About fifty Year 10 students also attended a talk delivered by the Principal of St Hugh’s, Lady Elish Angiolini. The students found out about her inspirational career history, the story of St Hugh’s College, information about Oxford and some key advice about the power of personal passions to drive aspirations.
Thank you to the St. Hugh’s team for visiting the school and good luck to Lena and her support team, Jessie and Barbara, in their journey!