Posted on: November 20th 2020
Sir David Willcocks Organ Award Scholar
Congratulations to Becky-Ellice Creighton (11KK) who is the Sir David Willcocks Organ Award Scholar for 2020-22. She is the fifth holder of the award and will study with Dr David Newsholme, Director of the Girls’ Choir and Assistant Organist. Becky-Ellice will also be entitled to free Student Membership of the Royal College of Organists (RCO)
Mr Cheesman commended her on this wonderful achievement and recognised all of her varied musical contributions: singing with the Kent County Choir, the National Children’s Choir and as a chorister at Canterbury Cathedral; achieving distinctions as a Grade 8 pianist, singer and flautist; contributing as the principal flautist in our senior orchestra; and her membership of the Folk Band which has performed at the National Festival of Music for Youth.
Her talent as a chorister has been recognised through this award from the Choir Schools’ Association and made possible by the Sir David Willcocks Music Trust. We wish her all the best as she pursues this opportunity.