Posted on: August 19th 2020
Sixth Form Enrolment Information
Current Highworth Students
On receipt of your examination results, all students will need to complete the Year 11 Results Day Google Form by following this link before 12pm: https://forms.gle/ijbcXsVrbRmUexvA8. This link will be emailed to students and made live on 20 August. It must be completed as formal acceptance of a place in the Sixth Form. This enrolment confirmation is essential. Students wishing to request changes to courses can indicate this on the Google Form but changes are not guaranteed. Mr Dodd will be in contact with those students in due course.
External Students
On receipt of your examination results, all applicants who have been offered a place and achieved their grades must enrol in the school Hall on Thursday 20 August 2020 from 12.00pm to 4.00pm in order to secure your place in our Sixth Form. You will be asked to confirm your A Level subject choices and present a copy of your GCSE results.
Please note that any changes to your A Level choices are subject to availability and it will not be possible to confirm this on enrolment day. We will require a period of time to make adjustments and get back to you.
Further Information and Queries
For any further information, please email our Sixth Form Manager, Mrs Khalil m.khalil@highworth.kent.sch.uk