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Computer Science

The most important aspect of computer science is problem-solving, an essential skill for life. Students study the design, development, and analysis of software and hardware used to solve problems in a variety of business, scientific and social contexts. Because computers solve problems to serve people, there is a significant human side to computer science as well.

Why study computer science?

  • Computing is part of everything we do! 
  • Expertise in computing enables you to solve complex, challenging problems. 
  • Computing enables you to make a positive difference in the world. 
  • Computing is an essential part of well-rounded academic preparation. 
  • Computing offers many types of lucrative careers.
  • Computing jobs are here to stay, regardless of where you are located. 
  • Expertise in computing helps even if your intended primary career is in something else.
  • Computing offers great opportunities for true creativity and innovativeness.
  • Computing has space for both collaborative work and individual effort. 
  • Future opportunities in computing are without boundaries.


Head of Department

Mr G Dale


Mrs L Hewett








Eliza 8KK

Lauren 8JP

Layomi 8EG

Anne 9KK

Angel 11AB

Teniola 11JP

Curriculum Map

Click here for the Computer Science Curriculum Map

Key Stage 3


At Key Stage 3, the students are given the opportunity to experience a wide range of ICT and computing skills and subjects:


Year 7

Term 1: Introduction & impacts of technology

In this unit students will explore the importance of security in the digital world, how to communicate respectfully and responsibly, understand how to recognise and report online issues, and be able to use presentation materials effectively

Term 2: Using Media

Students will gain a basic understanding of word processing features, the licensing issues surrounding the use of online materials, how to undertake effective online research, and check the credibility of sources. They will produce a piece of work that demonstrates their ability to promote a cause using these skills.

Term 3: Networks

Networks are an intrinsic part of the modern world, and in this unit, students will explore how different networks are able to send data across a variety of media effectively, and how the internet and the world-wide-web work.

Term 4: Modelling data - Spreadsheets

Students will be able to create, format, and edit spreadsheets to display information effectively. They will use a spreadsheet to model different real-world scenarios and draw conclusions from their observations and investigations.

Term 5: Programming essentials Scratch Pt1

In this module, students will explore the basics of programming including the creation of algorithms to help solve problems. They will learn the three basic programming constructs of Sequence, Selection, and Iteration and use this knowledge to solve problems.

Term 6: Programming essential Scratch Pt2

In this final module, students will use what they already know to solve a series of problems.


Year 8

Term 1: Web development HTML/CSS

Students will explore the elements of HTML and CSS needed to create and format basic web pages using a simple text editor.

Terms 2: Representing Numbers & Text

Computers are everywhere, but how do they represent everyday things like text, numbers, images, and sound. In this module, students will explore how we are able to represent human-readable information within a computer.

Term 3: Mobile App Development

We use Apps all the time in our everyday lives, but how do we make one? In this module students will learn how to design and program simple apps, using some of the programming concepts that they used in the year 7 course.

Term 4: Computing Systems

In this module, students explore how computers work, and how hardware and software interface to create a computer system. Students will learn how computers use logic to make decisions as basic as adding two numbers together.

Terms 5: Introduction to Python programming

In this module, students will draw upon their knowledge of the three programming fundamentals and apply them to solve simple problems using a text-based programming language. They will master the basics of input and output, and be able to create efficient programs that make logical decisions.

Term 6: Physical computing - micro:bits

Students will expand their knowledge of python programming using the turtle graphical interface, and explore the use of maths to generate art.


Year 9

Term 1: Technology in the world of work

Students learn about the use of technology in the workplace including how networks facilitate hybrid working, the introduction of AI, and how the workplace has changed through the introduction of technology.

Term 2: Physical computing - programming using Python and microbits

Students can explore how computers are used in the physical world, and how they receive inputs and process them into outputs which can be physical, audible, or visual.

Term 3: Media Animations

Students explore how the digital revolution has influenced film production through digital editing and production techniques. Students produce a stop-motion/digital montage, applying effects and transitions as part of the editing process.

Term 4: Cybersecurity

Students explore the threats posed to networks including malware, phishing, harming, social engineering, and other vulnerabilities within a system.

Term 5: Programming art using turtle

Students use Python Turtle to create 2D images and explore how they can create art using computers. 

Assessment, Marking, and Feedback 

Each lesson comprises a set of tasks that most students should be able to complete during the lesson. There are also extension tasks intended to stretch and challenge students on the learning that they have undertaken during the lesson. Students are expected to upload their completed work to Google Classroom. There are entry and exit quizzes for each lesson to assess the retention of knowledge and understanding, there will also be an assessment point where students will be tested at the end of the unit of work studied. An end-of-year assessment will take place at the beginning of term 6 that will include questions on all aspects of the curriculum that have been covered during the year. General or specific feedback is given to students via the Google Classroom platform and students are encouraged to improve on their subsequent work following feedback. Students are expected to meet the deadlines set by class teachers, failure to do so will result in sanctions being applied. Students should use the class messaging facility to ask other students for help if they are struggling with any aspect of the work set, or to direct message the teacher via the Google Classroom messaging system. Student report grades will principally be based on the termly assessments, but will also take into account their performance from lesson to lesson.

Assessments will be graded with an equivalent numerical mark in line with the school’s KS3 grading system: E = 5, M1 = 4, M2 = 3, M3 = 2 and W = 1.

Key Stage 4



At GCSE students will be following the OCR syllabus for Computer Science. This comprises 2 examined papers:


Paper 1 - Computer Systems

Paper 2 - Computational thinking, Algorithms and programming


Each paper is worth 50% of the overall GCSE, with programming skills being examined in Paper 2.


The syllabus covers the following topics:


1.1 Systems Architecture

1.2 Memory & storage

1.3 Computer Networks, connections and protocols

1.4 Network Security

1.5 Systems Software

1.6 Ethical, legal, cultural, and environmental impacts of digital technology


2.1 Algorithms

2.2 Programming fundamentals

2.3 Producing robust programs

2.4 Boolean logic

2.5 Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments



The approach to learning for students of Computer Science is based on equipping students with knowledge that they will bring to the lesson through the form of note taking following short instructional videos. During a typical lesson, students will complete the tasks set out in their digital workbooks, and undertake additional tasks, usually of a practical programming nature, based on the topics being studied, which can be completed at the students own pace. Tasks are differentiated in order to allow students to work at a level appropriate to their capabilities.


Assessment, Marking and Feedback

Student workbooks are marked on a four point scale under three categories: breadth, depth, and understanding. Written feedback is given where appropriate with a summary comment and action to be taken by the student. Homework programming tasks are submitted and marked via the Google Classroom platform,and returned with appropriate feedback. Programming is assessed on the following criteria: Program comprehension, Maintainability, Scalability, Robustness, Approach. At the end of a unit of work, students are assessed in an end of unit test. There is a main end of year test in year 10, and two Pre Public Examinations; one in November and the other in February in year 11. These will be sat under exam conditions.

A Level



At A Level students will be following the OCR syllabus for Computer Science. This comprises 2 examined papers and a substantial programming project:


Paper 1 - Computer Systems

Paper 2 - Algorithms and programming


Each paper is worth 40% of the overall A Level, the Programming project makes up 20%


The syllabus covers the following topics:


1.1 Characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices

1.2 Software and software development

1.3 Exchanging data

1.4 Data Types, Data structures and algorithms

1.5 Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues


2.1 Elements of computational thinking

2.2 Problem solving and programming

2.3 Algorithms


Programming project


Students will be expected to analyse, design, develop, test, evaluate and document a program written in a suitable programming language. The underlying approach to the project is to apply the principles of computational thinking to a practical coding problem. Students are expected to apply appropriate principles from an agile development approach to the project development. This project is a substantial undertaking both in the creation of the programmed solution and the writing of the report. Students are encouraged to consider the subject of their project solution early on in their sixth form career in order to achieve the most successful outcomes.




The approach to learning for students of Computer Science is based on equipping students with knowledge that they will bring to the lesson through the form of note taking following short instructional videos. During a typical lesson, students will complete the tasks set, and create ‘assets’ to include in their Student Learning Record. usually practical programming based on the topics being studied, which can be completed at the students own pace. Tasks are differentiated in order to allow students to work at a level appropriate to their capabilities.


Assessment, Marking and Feedback


A student SLR is marked on a four-point scale under four categories: breadth, depth, presentation, and understanding. Unlike GCSE, an SLR is not pre-populated for the student and therefore the presentation of their work is also important. SLRs also contain minimum expectations. We expect students to include all the key terminology from a topic and format these keywords in a way to make them stand out. This aids both revision and marking. Homework programming tasks are submitted and marked via the Google Classroom platform and returned with appropriate feedback. Programming is assessed on the following criteria: Program comprehension, Maintainability, Scalability, Robustness, Approach. At the end of a unit of work, students are assessed in an end-of-unit test. There is a main end-of-yearend of year test in year 12, and two Pre Public Examinations; one in October and the other in January in year 13. These will be sat under exam conditions.

Reach Stars

Computer science reach stars

Exam Support

Useful external links



Emma Kingston

Tyler Sullivan