Posted on: December 6th 2024
Pre-Med Anatomy
On Friday 6 December, twenty three of Highworth’s Biology students joined sixth formers at John Wallis Academy for a day of pre-med anatomy dissections. After an hour's welcome with content that was more university Anatomy and Physiology level, we got to dissect a brain and an eye out of half a pig's head. Groups were mixed with John Wallis students and we really had to think about our role within the group and how this might be similar to university interviews.
After a breather (because it did smell), we got to see a section from the thoracic cavity, it went from the tongue all the way to the bottom of the lungs, some groups had bits of a diaphragm. We had to cut off the oesophagus and tongue. We got to really see what we call our vocal cords and the epiglottis. We then cut sagittally all the way down the trachea which allowed us to see into the lungs on either side. Usually in class we would open up the heart but, on this occasion, we dissected it into slides to compare left and right hand sides.
Our time after lunch was then looking at what is inside the abdomen - this was a demo but the stomach and intestines were huge! We got to see the stomach, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine and right to the end. Yes, it wasn't for the faint of heart but it was a great trip!