Posted on: March 29th 2024
UKMT Maths Challenge
During the term, selected Year 10 and Year 11 students took part in the Intermediate UKMT Maths Challenge.
In Year 10, 40 students achieved the Bronze award and 14 achieved the Silver award. Those achieving Gold were Ella R, Georgie R and Niamh C, with Niamh also achieving the Best in the Year.
In Year 11, students achieved 46 Bronze awards and 26 Silver awards. Those achieving Gold were Fatima T, Hannah G, Madison M, Manini G and Ellie M, with Ellie also achieving the Best in the School.
Niamh C, Georgie R and Ellie M all achieved high scores and were selected to take part in the follow-up round; The Pink Kangaroo Challenge. Well done to all who took part!