Posted on: March 7th 2024
Careers Fair
This term, on Thursday 7 March, we had our whole school Careers Fair, a hugely enjoyable day where students could speak with a range of different employers and employees, as well as Further and Higher Education providers. A huge thank you to the exhibitors who made time in their busy schedules to attend. A huge well done to the students too! The feedback from exhibitors was that our students are the most engaged, inquisitive, friendly students they have had the privilege of meeting. They were very impressed with the depth and breadth of questions asked, especially from Years 7 and 8!
List of exhibitors:
Azets | Cactus Graphics | Clague Architecture | CCCU Healthcare | CCCU School of Art |
Coty | East Kent College Group | EBP Kent | EKHUFT | Freedom Leisure |
G4S | Gleeds | Grassroots Intelligence | Handelsbanken | Jenner Contractors |
Kent County Council | Kent Law Society | Kent Police | Mandy Ellen Performing Arts | Mears |
NHS- Public and Patient Volunteering | NHS Pharmacy Services | Royal Air Force | Royal Navy | Smart Web Agency |
Social Care and NHS Partnership | Specsavers | St Hugh's College - University of Oxford | Swansea University | The British Army |
Tony Gee and Partners | University of Kent | Vattenfall | Venomtech | Weil, Gotshal & Manges |