Posted on: March 3rd 2022
World Book Day
This year, The Sixth Form Book Club prepared resources for Mentor Period for World Book Day on Thursday 3 March. Staff and Sixth Formers dressed up in costume to show their love of books.
The Book Club also ran a Mentor Group competition on the theme of 'Don't judge a book by its cover'. Students were asked to redesign the front cover of their favourite book. The winners for originality, design, concept and effort were: 1st Tirzah in 11KK; 2nd Ella in 9NS; 3rd Oyin in 9EG; and Liv in 7KK as a runner-up.
The school has also been engaged in Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) every Tuesday during Mentor Periods in Term 4. Staff and students have shared some silent reading time and even been encouraged to swap their favourite books.