Posted on: July 13th 2021
A message from Mr Khalil
Over the years that I have been associated with Highworth Grammar School, both as a parent and as a Chair of Governors, I have witnessed so many high points and achievements that have characterised the school’s continued and sustained success. We are fortunate in having amazing students and incredible teaching and support staff. However, I genuinely believe that much of our success is attributable to the stewardship and dedication demonstrated by our retiring Head Teacher, Paul Danielsen. He has underpinned everything that we strive to do, and he has done this consistently, and with the challenges since March 2020, these qualities have been critical in ensuring we continued to meet the needs of students as best we can.
Whilst I wish him a relaxing retirement, there is undoubtedly a sense of sadness, and we will miss his presence enormously at Highworth. From my perspective, Paul has above all and in every sense committed all his energy and time to the welfare of Highworth students. This has not only been through robust strategic leadership, but also through engagement at a very personal level where circumstances dictated this.
Our function as governors is to both challenge and support the Head and Senior Leadership Team and in all the time I have worked closely with Paul, this has been achieved in a very constructive manner.
Although the focus in any school is one of supporting academic success, Paul has in equal measure been tirelessly committed to ensuring that the pastoral care and support has been an area of focus in equal measure. Increasingly, the challenges we face are more socially complex and the ongoing pandemic has in many ways crystallised these issues. The task of managing these remotely and against a backdrop of uncertainty and anxiety for students and staff has required clarity and perseverance. In this regard Paul has continued to ensure we ‘do the right thing’ and whilst it has been anything but business as usual, the school has fared well in very difficult times.
With regard to our fabulous school buildings, Paul had the vision to project manage and ensure delivery on time and budget of our amazing Sports Hall facility. This building provides a physical representation of combining a modern development that contrasts perfectly with our established traditional school buildings.
On a personal note, I would like to thank Paul for the high standards and dedication he has demonstrated over all the years I have known him and for providing a wonderful teaching environment in which three of my children have been fortunate enough to be nurtured, educated and to flourish.
On behalf of the Highworth Governing Board, I would like to bid Paul a very fond farewell and every happiness in a peaceful retirement not accentuated by the heartbeat of those regular lesson changeover pips!
Mr A Khalil
Chair of Governors