Posted on: March 15th 2021
Neurodiversity Celebration and Tone Tags
Today marks the start of Neurodiversity Celebration week (March 15-21). The All Abilities Group would like to share a short fact with you each day – here is today’s:
According to the Department of Education, 15% of students in the United Kingdom have a learning difference. In the average class of 32, that’s almost 5 students. The term Neurodiverse covers a quite a number of conditions, such as ASC (Autism), ADD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia Tourette Syndrome and many more.
If you’d like to find out more, or you would like to join the All Abilities Group, please contact Miss Murphy in the AEN Department.
Tone Tags
The school is displaying the following posters about Tone Tags this week. These tags allow neurodiverse people to understand the tone of a message (e.g. joking or sarcastic).