Posted on: June 19th 2020
Highworth Sixth Form Online Taster Day
The Highworth Sixth Form Team are working to deliver a Remote Taster Day, allowing us to offer you a taste of A Level life from the comfort of your own home.
The plan for the day is as follows and Google Meet links will be sent out in due course to allow you to access these sessions:
09:00-10:00: Group Presentation
10:00-12:00: Subject Q&A Sessions
13:00-14:00 Community Quiz
We will use the morning session to deliver information regarding Highworth Sixth Form, as well as key details for Enrolment (20 August) and Induction (2 September). Please keep in mind that these days are also likely to be altered by the current pandemic.
The Subject Q&A session will be split into four slots, the timetable for which will be sent out shortly, allowing you to plan your time and have a meeting for each subject choice. These sessions will give you a clear understanding of your A Level options and allow you to ask any questions you might have. Subject teachers will also use this time to clarify the requirements for their Summer Task. Please remember, these tasks are assessed by staff and it is imperative that you spend a significant amount of time on them across the summer. You will not get a second chance to make a first impression. The tasks have already been sent to you and can be found here.
Regrettably we cannot provide you all with remote pizza but, following a short break, the day will be rounded off with a Community Quiz; allowing us to display the Highworth Community spirit, albeit online.
If you have any questions or queries regarding the above, please contact our Sixth Form Manager, Ms Khalil: m.khalil@highworth.kent.sch.uk
We hope that you are excited about getting started on your A Level journey, even if it is remotely, on the 26 June. We look forward to seeing you online then!