Posted on: May 13th 2020
Summer Tasks to Prepare for Highworth Sixth Form
The Highworth Summer Task booklet has been uploaded to the website for those Year 11 students planning to join Highworth Sixth Form in September. It also contains some brief information about results day and enrolment. We have also contacted all successful external applicants via email.
Within the booklet, you will see that each department has created tasks to support students in reading and researching around their chosen subjects. The tasks are integral to the structure of the courses and students are expected to complete them. They will get appropriate feedback about their work in September. If there are problems accessing/completing the work, or extenuating circumstances, please contact Ms Khalil, our Sixth Form Manager, for help and support.
We have produced this booklet earlier than usual to ensure that Year 11 students can use it from home to prepare for the next exciting stage of their academic journey. We are pleased to hear that many students are keen to get started!